Trail: N/A
Easy: 6 runs for 28 miles.
Cycling: N/A
Total: 7 runs for 40 miles.
This week brought on a mid week trip to NE Mississippi for work. When I'm on these trips solo I usually have no problem getting in my normal volume. When I travel with others, however, I'm always cutting runs short so they're not waiting on me. It always becomes a stressful thing that I don't enjoy very much. A lot of this stress would be alleviated if my lazy butt would get up early to knock these runs out.
I did luck out in finding a park very close to the hotel that had some offroad trails along with the paved variety. I ended up doing all of my runs here with my only complaint being that there wasn't more to it. Each "loop" was only about 3 miles long, but it sure beat banging the miles out on a treadmill. I'm going to have to figure out a solution for travelling as I don't have any solo trips coming up soon.
With my long run on Sunday I actually hit a 20 day run streak. I've toyed with streaking off & on with my longest being 251 days. During that streak was probably the best shape I've been in so I've thought about bringing the streak back. There will be a lot of starts to it before it sticks, especially with my busy travel schedule coming up. Hopefully once the streak gets going it will make it easier to get motivated for the shorter easy days. The only reason the last streak got broken was from a car accident on the way to run. I still wanted to put in at least a mile but I'm pretty sure that would have resulted in a divorce.
Next week brings a trip to Denver, CO. I couldn't be more excited about the opportunity to get up into the mountains. One of the few places I'd live outside of Kentucky.