Monday, May 30, 2016

2016 Training Log : 5/23 - 5/29

Quality: 14 mile long run on Sunday at Legacy Trail

Trail: 8 mile run on Monday at SkullBuster

Easy: 5 runs for 29 miles.

Cycling: 4 rides for  29 miles.

Total:  7 runs & 4 rides for 80 miles.

Definitely a solid week of training. I was able to make all my scheduled runs & rides. If I can keep this consistency up the fall races will go very well. Next week brings another round of travel, so the challenge there will be staying on target.

This time of year is very wet in Kentucky & the trails I run take a good bit to dry out. Luckily on Monday they were dry enough to get some mileage in at SkullBuster. Got the bike out on Wednesday & Saturday to ride to the Legacy Trail & back, stretching the ride out a bit on Saturday. The great part about riding is it allows me to keep my cardio base in tact while running a lower mileage load. Need to find a good spot to drop in a third day of riding.

Capped the week off with a short hike with my eldest. Trying to get her out in the woods at least once a month. The key is not to be in a hurry & allow her to explore. She doesn't like it if the trails I pick don't have creeks on them, so I've got to do better about making sure she has a water crossing to play in.

Decent trails at Levi Jackson State Park

Monday, May 23, 2016

2016 Training Log : 5/16 - 5/22

Quality: 12 mile long run on Sunday at Legacy Trail

Trail: N/A

Easy: 5 runs for 23 miles.

Cycling: 2 rides for 12 miles.

Total:  5 runs & 2 rides for 47 miles.

While I enjoy traveling to new & exciting places, it definitely messes with my running schedule. Had to cut a mile off Mon/Tue runs to fit them into the schedule. Ended up missing my Thursday run after driving all day, I just couldn't get out of the recliner. Missed my Saturday run after an all day birthday party for the youngest. I've got to get better about morning runs when I travel, even if it means pounding out the mileage on a dreadmill.

The runs I did make were quiet enjoyable. I love exploring a new town by running & found this location to have tons of multi-use paths. Definitely a self-powered friendly place. I'm looking forward to my return trip where I can explore some more! Hopefully next time I can find some single track or something resembling a trail.

Actually I did find a trail, too bad it was only 1/10 of a mile long

2016 Training Log : 5/9 - 5/15

Quality: N/A

Trail: N/A

Easy: 7 runs for 38 miles.

Cycling: 4 rides for 24 miles.

Total:  7 runs & 4 rides for 62 miles.

After taking a week off following the marathon I couldn't have asked for a better week back.Was able to run every day & even got in some riding. Did some thinking about races this week & I believe I'm going to give Not Yo Momma's 100k a shot, instead of the Iron Horse.

Was really bummed out when fall vacation landed on the same weekend as Cloudsplitter but this will give me an ultra two weeks before vacation. The course is a loop, so it will be a great opportunity to try out a new distance. The looping nature also reduces the amount of stuff I need to carry with me, allowing for a base camp of sorts. I just need to have 16 miles worth of gear on me when I start each loop. Should be very forgiving for my first 100k.

Got in two days of duathlon style workouts, where I rode to the Legacy Trail, run a bit & then ride home. Really enjoy replacing the car ride with a bike ride & it really doesn't take me much longer. These were also the first ride in a pair of actual cycling shorts & I really appreciate the padding they offer. Now to just work on my transitions!

Spring out on the soccer fields

Monday, May 9, 2016

Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon - May 01, 2016

"The Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon is a beautiful course, which “flies” along the streets of Cincinnati, Covington, Newport, Mariemont, Fairfax and Columbia Township. The course presents a well-balanced, diverse tour of some the best neighborhoods in the area."

Training: I roughly followed a Hanson's type plan. Removed the speedwork session, made it a seven day schedule instead of six & added in a step back week every fourth week. I was still on the cautious side because of a year filled with injury & re-injury, telling myself that making it to the starting line healthy was of the most importance. This led me to skip a run if I even felt a slight twinge or to pull up early during a hard tempo if something started feeling off. I still ended up with a small issue in my right calf that led to a full week off right in the middle of my peak. All in all this training cycle did exactly what I wanted, it got my confidence back.


With temps in the low 60s for the start, climbing into the 70s by the end, this is what I decided to wear.

  • Shoes: Saucony Kinvara 5
  • Socks: Injinji Trail Socks
  • Shorts: Patagonia Strider Pro Shorts 5"
  • Shirt: Saucony Men's Hydralite Singlet
  • Watch: Magellan Echo + iSmoothRun
  • Other: Headsweats Race Hat, Throwaway Arm Warmers & Throwaway Poncho
This ended up being a near perfect "outfit" for the race. I've only had the Patagonia shorts for a couple of runs now but they make me want six more pair, best shorts I've ever worn hands down. The only small tweak that I would have made is a pair of compression shorts underneath. This only became an issue in the final miles when I was soaked from constantly dumping water on my head.
Gear laid out the night before

Race Day: The events leading up to race day are well chronicled in my training blog for the week. To summarize, it was a disaster. Sunday morning came with a 4:30am wake up. Had two servings of steel cut oats with raisins, two hard boiled eggs & a cup of coffee. All packed from home to ensure nothing new on race day. Jumped in the shower & sprayed off really quick, just to help wake the body up. Got dressed, grabbed a water bottle with some Nuun & got out the door by 5:30am. I didn't use my phone GPS to see how far the start line was, I didn't want to know, I just followed the masses headed that way. Looking it up now reveals it to be a one mile stroll, it was that kind of a week.

Arriving at the start line my corral was easy enough to find. There was a parking area down by the river that was being used as a warm up area, so I went through my normal routine. 10x squats, 10x side to side, 10x lunges, 10x front leg swings & 10x side leg swings. One look at the porta potty line told me all I needed to know, the bushes would be my only relief. I wasn't the only one with this thought as the bushes were quiet crowded.

Arrived back to my corral with fifteen minutes to go before the start. It was about this time I realized I had forgotten my nipple tape. Images of a bloody number eleven on my chest flashed through my head. I quickly texted Chas to bring some Vaseline to our first meeting spot, got my tracking app started up & iSmoothRun loaded. Before I knew it the national anthem played & we were off!

Obligatory Start Line
  • Mile 1-3: The first 3 miles take us from Paul Brown Stadium into Kentucky & through Covington. Some great views from the bridges across the Ohio & some nasty climbs to get to those bridges. I settled in behind the 3:05 pace group planning to stick with them until the halfway point & reassess then. Effort wasn't as easy as I would have liked, definitely felt like I was working harder than the ~7:00 pace we were running.
  • Mile 4-6: Back into Ohio & through the city on 7th street. Took my first Gu at mile 4 & water at every stop. The plan was to meet Chas at Walnut & 7th for my goodie bag of lube. I had trouble seeing her in the crowd & we botched the hand off. Looks like we'll be going without any protection for the nipples this race. Effort levels seemed to have dropped off as I was now hitting my stride & felt like I could keep this for the rest of the race easy. According to the timing mats I hit the 6.8 mile mat at 48:20 for a pace of 7:04.
  • Mile 7-9: This is the big climb for the race, the hills just never seem to stop. I took my second Gu around mile 8. This is where I noticed that my watch was off by a bit, the big buildings in the city had really messed with it. Not a big deal as I run most races by feel & only use the GPS to document it. I also had the pace group doing all the math for me. It was during this stretch that I began feeling the effects of the heat & humidity. Every water stop now included a small shower.
  • Mile 10-12: Some gradual downhill running as we ventured further out into the burbs. I took my third Gu around mile 12. It was a struggle to get this one down, I'm thinking my next training cycle will involve finding a new calorie source. The texture of the Gu just doesn't sit well with me & I find myself dreading them.
  • Mile 13-15: Finally the halfway point! I came through the first half in 1:31:59 for a pace of 7:02. Right on schedule & feeling good. I opt to stick with the 3:05 pace group as the heat has all but shut down any thought of going much faster. We also enter into an out & back section during this stretch so we get to see some of the runners in the front. I'm always amazed at just how effortless they look.
  • Mile 16-18: This section completes the out & back portion. I take my fourth Gu around mile 16 & almost lose my cookies. The crowd support at this race is amazing. It seems the whole city comes out to cheer us on with people lining the streets for almost the entire length of the course. Still on pace & hanging with the group, which at this point is starting to thin out.
  • Mile 19-20: I came through mile 19.7 in 2:18:15 for a pace of 7:02. Still right on schedule, This is the only portion of the race without much crowd support. It's along a limited access highway & I refer to it as the lonely section. These miles always seem the longest & I was actually surprised to find it was less than 2 miles in length, it feels like 4. I took my fifth Gu at mile 20 & decided it would be my last. The one planned for mile 24 would stay in my pocket, no matter what. It was also during this section that I really started feeling the heat & humidity, often dumping two cups of water on my head at aid stations.
  • Mile 21-22: At the water stop in this section my biggest fear was realized, the pace group gapped me. This happens often, due to congestion at aid stations, but this time it was different. I didn't have another gear to hit in order to catch up. I calmed myself down by thinking they crossed the start line before me so I have a buffer, if I can just keep them close I'll be alright. Unfortunately these are the kinds of lies a person tells themselves when they are dying. That gap would continue to grow but I'd tell myself that I'd catch them in the final miles. It was around this point that I started passing some walkers, apparently I wasn't the only one dying out there.
  • Mile 23-24: The wheels hadn't totally fallen off yet, I could still see the pace group in front of me. The gap had gotten pretty big by now but they were still in sight. I'd finally accepted that I wouldn't be catching them & at this point was just pushing for a PR. One of the aid stations had a guy with a water hose giving showers, an angel without wings he was.
  • Mile 25-26: And then the wheels came off. I could no longer see the pace group & was in full on damage control mode. At this point I started freaking out. Would I PR? Would I even squeak into a BQ? I passed a few more folks in full death march & even considered just walking it in a few times myself.
  • Mile 26.2: I covered the last 6.5 miles in 48:44 for a pace of 7:29, not terrible but most of the damage happened in mile 25 & 26. I managed to pull it together & pick up the pace for the final .2 miles in what felt like a sprint but likely looked nothing of the sort. Crossed the line in 61st place with an official time of 3:06:59 which is a PR of 1:36 & another BQ.
Strava Activity: The Flying Pig

Conclusion: With the planets seemingly aligned against me I couldn't have asked for a better result. While I really wanted sub-3:05, it just wasn't in the cards. The heat/humidity got to me pretty bad. I had trouble sleeping that night because of how hot I felt. I think my core body temperature was elevated as my skin was very warm to the touch. Now time to start getting ready for my fall races. For the next training cycle I'm going to dial back the volume & focus on intensity, shooting for a sub-85 half in the fall.

Soaking wet finisher's photo

Monday, May 2, 2016

2016 Training Log : 4/25 - 5/1

Quality: 26.2 mile race on Saturday.

Trail: N/A

Easy: 5 runs for 24 miles.

Cycling: N/A

Total:  6 runs & 0 rides for 53 miles.

If you have an ideal taper week on one end of the spectrum & the absolute worst on the other, then you'd find this week very near the wrong side of that spectrum. On Tuesday a buddy called me at work with an extra ticket to see Pearl Jam. This isn't something I can turn down, regardless of the circumstances, so the rest of the evening became a mad rush. Drove home, ran a couple of miles, got ready & ate before heading straight to the venue. One of the greatest things about PJ is they will play for three hours, you definitely get your money's worth. This also results in getting to bed around one in the morning. I also had to drive in to work the next morning because of the previous request for an extra day a week in the office. So much for getting a good nights rest every night.

On Thursday an issue sprung up shortly after lunch at work that resulted in a 17 hour day, causing me to miss my run & get in bed at one in the morning again. Another outage the next morning had me up bright & early working instead of resting, this was supposed to be a day off. Luckily everything calmed down by afternoon but I feared the damage was done. The rest of the day I spent relaxing around the house & packing, trying to stay off my feet as much as possible.

On Saturday I did a quick shake out in the morning to keep the legs fresh, finished packing, dropped the kids off with my Mom & then drove up to Cincinnati to hit the expo for packet pickup. The plan was to spend as little time at the Expo as possible, to minimize time on feet. This didn't work out as we entered the Expo at the end & had to walk all the way back to the beginning to get my packet. They also had it setup so you had to traverse the whole expo to get your shirt & swag bag, allowing me the pleasure of two trips through. We decided to just go ahead & get food while we were there, a quick Yelp search later we were on our way. This ended up being a bit more walking than expected putting me on my feet way more than I'd have liked for the day. As you can tell this was just typical for the week. After dinner we drove to the hotel & got settled in for a decent night's sleep.

Finally race day had arrived! You'll have to read the race report to see how it went though...

Teaser: Fuzzy photo of the 3:05 pace group. I'm far back left in the neon singlet & grey hat

2016 Training Log : 4/18 - 4/24

Quality: 14 mile long run on Saturday.

Trail: 7 miles at SkullBuster on Monday. 11 miles at CVP on Wednesday.

Easy: 2 runs for 9 miles.

Cycling: N/A

Total:  5 runs & 0 rides for 42 miles.

Late to the presses with this one so will write from the perspective of Sunday 4/24.

Another week of taper which unfortunately saw two missed runs. I had to drive in an additional day this week, also next week, which left me so sore that I opted out of my Thursday run. Didn't want to risk a reinjury to my hip. Spent all day Sunday putting together a swing set that by the time I got home the thought of going for even an easy run was just too much. Hopefully next week isn't a train wreck as I'm just one week out from the marathon.

I was able to get in some good trail runs this week which always helps to clear my head. Spent Monday at SkullBuster & catch myself eyeballing property close to the trail on my drives to it. Daydreaming about how wonderful it would be to live within a bike ride of this awesome trail. Also got some good mileage in at CVP midweek. Not sure if my phone GPS was just off or my garmin has been measuring this route short but it came in almost a mile longer than I expected. Still putting the Echo+iPhone combo through some testing, I really want this to be a viable solution.

My long run on Saturday was the confidence booster I needed going into the final taper week. Just one of those runs where you feel like you are floating along the ground. Just an effortless run. Forgot to unpause the run at an intersection around mile 12. Starting to think I should just rely on the autopause feature so I don't do this as often. Next week will be the final taper going into the race & I'm hoping the extra day driving won't be too much of an impact on my legs.

Where all your troubles disappear...